Low Cost Web Development

We develop customized economical web pages for Self-employed, Freelancers, Entrepreneurs, SMEs and Small business with limited time and budget. We focus on cheap website design designed for your client, created to obtain online visibility and generate traffic, conversions and sales.

Do you want to go digital to expand your business?

Do you have doubts about which is the best cheap web design option for your business?

Do you want to improve the online visibility of your business but do not have limited time and/or budget?

Types of cheap website that can enhance your company

Below we show you different economical web development options that may fit your business. Do not hesitate to contact us for free to help you know which is the best option for your case.

Cheap Web Design with WordPress

If you are looking for a cheap and professional web design with infinite possibilities and self-management so that you can manage your website in a very easy and intuitive way, opting for WordPress is probably your best option. We help you choose the best option for your business, we will create and train you so that you can get the maximum potential.

Cheap online store design in Shopify or Woocomerce

If you need to create an online store with some products to make yourself known, reach a much larger audience and be able to sell from anywhere, you can opt for a website on Shopify or Woocomerce (WordPress) if you want to take advantage of better organic positioning and versatility. We help you choose the best option for your particular case, we create and train you so that you can get the maximum potential.

One Page or Landing Page Web Design

If what you need is a website with only a URL to show your service or product, capture leads, potential clients, an informative website or a sales page, opting for a One Page or Landing Page web design is the smartest option. Contact us without obligation to find out if it is a viable alternative for your business.

Cheap website design with Joomla, Wix, Weebly, Webnode, Jimdo, etc.

If you have had previous experiences with some type of CMS or website builder such as Wix, Joomla, Weebly, Webnode, Jimdo, etc., and you want to work with one of them for greater convenience and less difficulty in learning, we can create your low-cost website with the CMS you prefer.

What do you have to keep in mind before starting cheap web design?

Below we name 10 factors that you should take into account if you want to be successful with your website:

Company objective

You must be very clear about the company's objectives and its business situation. We must be clear if we want a low-cost website to sell our products, services, if we are dedicated to B2B or if we want to optimize our website to get leads, etc.

Target audiences (Buyer Persona)

It is important to define who the potential customers are and how the site can be attractive and useful to them. before developing a website. There are countless companies that make websites without considering the buyer persona.

What should the website include?

It is important to define what functionalities the website should have, such as contact forms, integration with social networks, product catalog, among others.


The company must define how much it is willing to invest in the website and adjust its expectations according to the available budget. together with the web development agency.


Whatever our objective, there is one factor that is non-negotiable and that is that the website must be 100% responsive. It is an essential requirement today.

SEO Web Positioning

Although we are starting from a cheap website, we must take the SEO factor into account and lay some foundations that allow us to optimize and work on organic web positioning from the beginning. It is an indispensable part of the user experience and, therefore, of increasing website traffic and conversions.


We must take into account based on our web design needs that we will need to hire a Hosting service to be able to host your web development. At Kingwebapps, we take care of the entire process.


Once the web development is completed, regardless of the CMS or the language with which we have built the website, it is essential to continue with training so that you can manage your website with total autonomy and guarantees. We ensure that you can manage the website according to your needs.

Maintenance from the web

The company must plan for long-term website maintenance, as the website must be updated regularly to stay up-to-date and secure. The creation and editing of web pages does not end only with the first web development.

Company Type

It is important to have a competent and experienced website company to carry out professional web development efficiently, effectively and with guarantees of success, even if we start from cheap web development. Professionalism and involvement, whatever the project, must be excellent.

Consult us for free if you want to know what is the best cheap development option for your company.

The 5 essential steps to successfully execute an economical web design

At Kingwebapps we are professional cheap website creators with an innovative methodology that focuses on user experience, search engine optimization and the creation of an attractive and functional website for the client. We create websites that are strictly governed by Scrum, Agile, Kanban methodologies and Lean, essential to ensure the quality of the final result and customer satisfaction, reducing costs and times to the maximum.

Establish clear communication

From the beginning, it is important to establish clear and open communication between the agency and the client. Both parties must understand and share the expectations, objectives and scope of the project. This will help avoid misunderstandings and ensure effective collaboration.

Define a clear budget and scope

Both agency and client should agree on a clear budget and scope from the start. This will help avoid unforeseen costs and ensure that the web design fits the client's financial constraints. It is important to be realistic and take into account the resources available to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Research and analysis

At this stage, the client's objectives and needs are analyzed, as well as current market trends and competition. Keyword research is also carried out for SEO and the user profile and needs are defined.

Prioritize key features

In a cheap web design project, it is important to prioritize key functionalities. Identify the essential features that the client really needs and focus efforts on developing them effectively. We must avoid adding unnecessary functionalities that could increase costs and development time.

Maintain constant communication and regular feedback

Throughout the entire process, it is essential to maintain constant communication between the agency and the client. Both parties should be available to provide feedback, conduct reviews, and make necessary adjustments throughout the project. This will ensure that the web design meets the client's needs and a satisfactory result is achieved in the final delivery of the web project.

Why hire Kingwebapps as your cheap web designer?

Company cheap web design and web development with more of 2100 fulfilled projects

We have been dedicated to creating cheap web pages for a long time. more than 20 years. Awarded as one of the best web design companies

Low cost web design agency with a focus on Online marketing to position your website ahead of your competition

We are your cheap web programming team tailored. We focus on the development of economical web pages for small companies, self-employed, SMEs, Entrepreneurs and Startups.

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What are the main features, disadvantages and advantages of cheap web development and design?

Web design and development has both its advantages as disadvantages, offering different benefits especially for companies with specific cases. Here we present some of the main advantages and disadvantages of creating a cheap website:


1. Reduced cost: The main advantage of choosing a simple website design is cost savings. When looking for cheaper options, it is possible to find agencies or professionals that offer services at more affordable prices, which can be especially beneficial for small businesses or entrepreneurs with limited budgets.

2. Quick implementation: A cheap web design usually involves the use of pre-existing templates or existing resources, which speeds up the development process. This means that the website can be ready in a shorter time compared to more expensive, custom web design projects.

3. Previous experience: When choosing a cheap web design, it is likely that the agency or professional has previous experience with similar projects. This means they can have a clear understanding of what works and what doesn't, therefore they can apply their knowledge and best practices to create effective web design.


1. Customization limitations: One of the main drawbacks of a cheap web design is that it may not fully adapt to the client's specific needs and wants. When using existing templates or resources, there may be limitations in terms of customization and design originality. This can result in a website that looks similar to others and does not fully reflect the identity of the brand or business.

2. Fewer features and functionalities: Designing simple web pages may involve cutting out some advanced features or functionality. This is because these features may require custom development or the use of more sophisticated tools and technologies, which can increase costs. As a result, the website may lack certain functionality that could be important to the customer.

3. Possible lack of support and maintenance: In some cases, agencies or professionals offering cheap web designs may not provide full support or long-term maintenance services. This means that if problems arise or updates are required in the future, it may be necessary to seek external assistance or invest again in additional services.

Examples of cheap web design pages

Cheap Web Design for Restaurant

A simple but effective website could include a home page with information about the restaurant, its location and opening hours, menu and a photo gallery of featured dishes. Restaurant-specific website templates can be used and customized to your needs to reduce costs.

Online store

For an online store, you can opt for low-cost e-commerce platforms that offer pre-defined and customizable designs. These platforms allow you to display your products, manage inventory, process payments, and track orders.

Professional services

If you offer professional services, such as graphic design, photography, or consulting, a cheap web design could consist of a landing page that highlights your skills, experience, and work examples. Online portfolio templates can be used that allow you to present your work effectively by adapting it to your needs.

Local Small Business

If you have a small local business, you can opt for a cheap web design that has everything you need to acquire new potential customers. You can include information about your business, services offered, hours of operation, and contact forms so customers can easily contact you.

Frequently Asked Questions about cheap and economical website design

What is the price of cheap website development and design?

The price of a cheap web design can vary depending on several factors, such as the region, the provider, and the specifics of the project. However, in general, a cheap web design can range between 200 and 1000 euros.
It is important to note that a cheap web design will usually come with limitations in terms of customization, functionality, and support. Predefined templates may be used or minor modifications may be made to suit the client's needs. Furthermore, it is very important that you make sure that the chosen company or agency has a clear training plan to transfer all the knowledge you need so that you are able to operate and manage your website autonomously. On the other hand, it must be clear if there is any type of post-delivery maintenance of the website, since there are many agencies that play with this type of hooks to charge you later without having been honest from the beginning.
If you are considering hiring a cheap web design, it is advisable to research and compare different options to ensure you get a good balance between quality and price. It is also important to clearly communicate your requirements and expectations to the supplier to avoid surprises or inconveniences in the future.
At Kingwebapps, we advise you without any type of commitment so that you can discover what we can do for your business.

Where can you hire your cheap web design services?

We are a low-cost web development and web design agency in the United Kingdom.

How long does it take to complete a cheap website design?

The time required to complete a cheap website design can vary depending on several factors, such as the complexity of the project, the scope of work, and the availability of resources. However, in general, a cheap website design can take between 1 and 4 weeks to complete.
It is important to keep in mind that the time frame can be affected by different aspects, such as communication with the supplier, the delivery of content and materials by the client, and the review and approval of the proposed designs. Additionally, if additional custom functionality or features are required, development time could be extended.
It is advisable to discuss the estimated deadlines and times with the web design service provider before starting the project, to have a clear idea of how long it will take to complete the cheap website design and adjust expectations accordingly.

Better to hire a low-cost web design company or a cheap web programmer?

The choice between hiring a low-cost web design company or a cheap web programmer depends on your specific needs and resources. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to consider a few factors before making a decision:

Hire a low-cost web design company


1. Experience and knowledge: A web design company usually has a team of professionals with experience and knowledge in web design, development and marketing.
2. Wide range of services: Low-cost web design companies usually offer a variety of additional services, such as web hosting, maintenance and technical support.
3. Project management: A web design company can take care of the comprehensive management of the project, coordinating different aspects such as design, development, content and SEO.


1. Less customization: Some low-cost web design companies may offer predefined templates or generic designs, which limits the customization and originality of your website.
2. Limited communication: Sometimes, low-cost web design companies may have less personalized communication due to the high volume of projects they handle.
3.Variable quality: Some low-cost companies may sacrifice the quality of design or development to keep prices low, which can affect the appearance and functionality of your website.

Hire a cheap web programmer


1. Greater customization: A cheap web developer can offer greater flexibility in customizing and adapting your website to your specific needs.
2. Direct communication: Working directly with a web programmer allows you more direct and personalized communication, making it easier to understand your requirements and implement changes.
3. Lower initial cost: Hiring a cheap web programmer may be cheaper in terms of initial price.


1. Less experience and resources: A cheap web programmer may have less experience or limited resources compared to an established web design company.
2. Individual Responsibility: When working with an individual programmer, the responsibility falls on that person, which can lead to delays or problems if you face technical or personal difficulties.
3. Skill Limitations: A cheap web programmer may have limited skills in areas such as graphic design or web marketing, which could affect the quality and scope of the project.

¿How to choose the best cheap website creation company?

1. Research: Research different options for companies that create websites and compare their prices, services, and whether they specialize in your current needs.
2. Experience and skills: Make sure the company or designer has the necessary experience and skills to carry out the project.
3. Communication: Communication is key in any web design project, no matter how economical it may be. Make sure the company or designer can communicate effectively with you and understands your needs and goals.
4. Customer Service: Make sure the company or designer offers good customer service and is willing to answer your questions and concerns at any point during the project.
5. Technology and tools: Verify that the company or designer is using cutting-edge technology and tools to ensure a high-quality result and a modern and functional web design. Make sure they are specialists in responsive mobile web design.
6. Maintenance and support: Make sure the company or designer offers maintenance and support after the project is complete, to ensure your website is always up-to-date and secure.
7. Budget: Consider the budget you have available and make sure that the company or designer offers a solution that fits your needs and financial possibilities.

If you have a project in mind and are looking for a low-cost web design page, we are the web page company that can help you. Fill out the Form and discover everything we can do to scale your business without obligation.
