iOS development for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch apps

Development of iOS apps specialized in Apple hardware and maximizing the results of your company

For what and why develop iOS applications?

A iOS app It is software designed to be used on mobile devices Manzana, whether it's iPhone, iPad either ipod touch. iOS apps can be downloaded from the App Store and are developed for a wide variety of functionalities and purposes; games, social media apps, productivity apps, news apps, app as a sales channel and much more.

Develop an iOS app could be beneficial for several reasons. First, it can provide a way to reach a wide audience of Apple device users. Additionally, iOS applications can be monetized through the sale of the application in the App Store, advertising in the app, in-app purchases, among other.

The 5 reasons why iOS application development can boost your company:

The main features that make an Android application a very interesting option for your company are the following:

1. High demand: iOS devices, especially iPhone and iPad, are very popular all over the world and have a large number of users. Therefore, developing an iOS app can be a great way to reach a wide and diverse audience.

2. Monetization: Creating an iOS app offers the possibility of generating significant income. Through the App Store, developers can sell their apps and generate revenue from advertising, in-app purchases, or other very lucrative ways.

3. Easy access to the market: Apple provides a comprehensive development ecosystem for iOS, meaning developers can easily access the tools and resources needed to create high-quality apps and publish them on the App Store.

4. High quality user experience: Apple is known for its high standards of design and user experience. When developing iOS apps, developers can take advantage of these features and deliver a superior user experience that leads to more sales.

5. Technological innovation: Apple is known for its focus on technological innovation and the development of advanced hardware and software. Developers working on iOS have the opportunity to take advantage of these technologies and create innovative applications that take full advantage of Apple hardware and software to create competitive advantages over your competitors.

If you want to know a little more about how creating iOS apps can exponentially benefit your business, Consult us for free without obligation.

Desarrollo para iphone

What are the main benefits, disadvantages and advantages of an iOS app development?

The development of apps for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch has both its advantages as disadvantages, offering different benefits especially for companies with specific cases. Here we present some of the main disadvantages and advantages of creating apps for iOS:


1. Broad market: Developing iOS apps offers the possibility of accessing a massive user base and having a large presence around the world, meaning there are a large number of potential users for any application developed for iOS.

2. Comprehensive development ecosystem: Apple provides a wide variety of development tools and resources for creating iOS apps, including Xcode, Swift, the iOS Simulator, and more.

3. Potential income: iOS app development can be monetized through sales in the App Store, advertising and in-app purchases, among others.

4. Superior User Experience: Apple is known for its focus on user experience and design, meaning that iOS apps can provide a superior user experience.


1. Development cost: iOS app development can be expensive due to the price of Apple devices required for testing, as well as enrollment in Apple's developer program.

2. App Store Approval: iOS apps must be approved by Apple before being published in the App Store, which can take time and can be a barrier for developers who want to quickly publish an app.

3. Hardware limitations: Apple is known for its closed focus on hardware and software, which can limit the flexibility of iOS apps.

4. Competition: The App Store has a large number of applications, so opting for development for iPhone can mean high competition and difficulty in attracting new users. It is important to have a good Marketing and Promotion strategy to support user acquisition, especially in the early stages of launching the app.

What does it take to launch an iOS development?

Before developing an iOS app from scratch, you need to take into account a series of factors that are crucial to ensure the success and profitability of your iOS app:

Define the objective of the application

The company must have a clear idea of what type of application it wants to create, whether it is an entertainment application, educational application, productivity application, etc. You must also define the objectives that you want to achieve with the application, what the type of monetization will be.

Market research

The company must research the iOS application market and know its competition in order to identify opportunities. In this way, create a differential application that has a competitive advantage that allows you to successfully penetrate the market.

Time required for iOS app programming

The time required to create an iOS app depends on many factors; including the complexity of the application, the functionality required and the experience level of the development team. In general, the development process for an iOS app can range from weeks to even several months.
In the event that the timing or budget factor is more limited for your company, you can choose to develop a hybrid and cross-platform application.

Design and user experience (UX)

The app design should be intuitive, attractive, and easy to use for iOS users. The company must ensure that the app meets Apple design standards and is consistent with the iOS user experience.
Ultimately, the goal is for the iOS design to take full advantage of the operating system thanks to a UX and UI totally designed for Apple devices.

Swift Technologies and Programming Languages (iOS)

The company should be familiar with iOS app development technologies and tools with Swift, Xcode, the iOS Software Development Kit (SDK), and other development tools such as CocoaPods.

Development platform selection

Before starting development, the iOS app development platform must be selected, whether it is the native iOS development platform or hybrid app development platforms. You should assess which is the best option for your company taking into account budget, time and objectives.

How is mobile app development for iOS vs Android different?

The development of mobile apps for iOS and Android may differ in several aspects. Some of the main differences are the following:

1. Programming language: For the development of iOS applications, the Swift programming language is mainly used, while for Android, Java or Kotlin is used. This can affect how application development is approached and how certain features are implemented.

2. Platform and devices: iOS and Android are two different platforms, so developing apps for these platforms requires different approaches and considerations. Additionally, each platform has different mobile device models, which can impact how the app is developed and tested.

3. Design and user experience: iOS and Android apps have different design and user experience guidelines. Apple has a more consistent and consistent approach to design and user experience, while Android allows for greater customization and flexibility. This can affect how you approach app design and usability.

4. Costs and development time: The cost and development time of a mobile app for iOS and Android can vary. iOS app development can be more expensive and time-consuming due to the need to use Apple-specific tools and devices, while Android app development can be lower priced and more agile in programming due to the availability of free development tools and the wide variety of Android devices.

5. Publication of the application: The release of the app on the iOS and Android app stores may also differ. Apple has stricter review guidelines, which can take longer and be more challenging for apps that contain certain types of content or functionality. Additionally, the app approval process may vary in terms of time and requirements between the iOS and Android app stores.

In short, opt for one iOS app either Android It will depend on your business objectives. In cases where the budget allows it, developing an app for each operating system is a great decision.

Consult us for free if you want to know what is the best development option for your company.

What is iOS app development like?

At Kingwebapps we are an iOS company specialized in Swift development services and solutions with an innovative methodology for agile development, guaranteeing that the launch of your iOS application is a success both in time and budget as well as in results. Below, we show a summary of the stages from conceptualization, to the subsequent development and launch of the app:


At this stage, the objectives, business model, monetization and requirements of the application are defined, subsequently a detailed plan for the development of the application is made. The development team is also identified and deadlines and budgets are established.

Design and Prototyping

In this stage, the user interface of the application is designed and interactive prototypes are created to validate the design and functionality.

Functional development

The development team starts working on the functionalities of the application. The Swift programming language, Xcode development tools, and other iOS development technologies are used to implement application logic and integration with external services.

Testing and validation

Tests are carried out to validate the correct operation of the application. This includes functional testing, usability testing, integration testing, and performance testing.
Are used agile methodologies as Scrum and RAD to test the application to find errors and improve usability. The goal is to follow a Lean methodology so as not to waste resources and time and ensure successful results.

Delivery, Publishing and Promotion Marketing

Once the application has been validated, it is delivered to the client for review and approval. If the app meets Apple's requirements and quality standards, it can be published on the App Store.
The entire Marketing strategy is worked on in terms of organic positioning of apps (ASO), paid advertising, influencers and media to promote your application.

Maintenance and updates

After the app is released, regular updates should be made to fix bugs, improve functionality, and keep the app up to date.

Why hire Kingwebapps for your iOS app development?

Company I develop iOS apps with more of 2100 fulfilled projects

iPhone development team since more than 10 years. Awarded as one of the best iOS development companies

Agency specialized in developing apps for iOS with a focus on ASO Online Marketing to position your App ahead of your competition

Specialists in developing apps for iOS tailored. We focus on creating iOS applications for companies SME, Scaleups, Startups and Big companies

Cliente Campofrío diseño de apps nativas iOS
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migración e integración swift
programación con swift
Creador de apps nativas iOS para cliente RCD Espanyol de Barcelona
ios ux
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hacer app para iphone

Examples of native iOS app development

These are some examples of native iOS development both by type and by sectors in which we develop apps (also for the development of iPhone applications as well as for iPad and iPod touch). For any project, idea or sector queries in particular, contact us for free to discuss your objectives without obligation.

Health Sector

Medisafe: An application that helps patients remember their medications and track their treatment.

MyFitnessPal: A health and fitness tracking app that helps users track their daily nutrition and exercise.

Business sector

Trello: App that helps business teams organize and manage projects collaboratively.

Slack: Team communication application that allows company employees to communicate with each other in real time.

Industry sector Entertainment

Netflix: An application that allows users to watch movies and TV shows online.

Spotify: Application that allows users to listen to music online and create their own playlists.

Financial sector

Mint: Personal finance app that helps users track their expenses, budgets, and bank accounts.

PayPal: Application that allows users to make payments and money transfers online.

Tourism and Restoration Sector

Tripadvisor: An application that allows users to search and book hotels, flights and restaurants around the world, as well as providing reviews and opinions from other users.

OpenTable or TheFork: Applications that allow users to search and reserve tables at restaurants in their area.

Education sector

Duolingo: Language learning app that helps users learn languages for free.

Khan Academy: An online education app that offers free educational courses and resources for students of all ages.

Retail Sector

Amazon: Online shopping application that allows users to purchase products and manage their orders.

Target: An application that allows users to purchase products online and in physical stores, as well as track their orders and special offers.

Video Games Sector

Pokémon GO: An augmented reality application based on the Pokémon game.

Clash of Clans: Real-time strategy game that allows players to build and strengthen their villages.

Fashion Sector

Zara: Online fashion shopping app that allows users to purchase fashion clothing and accessories.

ASOS: Online fashion shopping app that allows users to buy fashion clothes and accessories from different brands.

Frequently Asked Questions about iOS app development

What is the price of developing an iOS application and publishing it on the App Store?

In general, the iOS app development price can range from a few thousands of euros and several hundreds of thousands of euros. Additional costs may include the creation of an Apple developer account, testing and debugging, and the cost of any additional software or hardware required to develop the application.
The publication of one application in the App Store Apple also involves a cost. Apple charges a annual fee of 99$ for an App Store Developer Account, which allows developers to publish their apps on the App Store and access Apple development tools and resources. Additionally, Apple also charges a 30% rate on app sales and in-app purchases in the App Store.

Where do you offer your iOS application development services?

We develop native iOS mobile applications in United Kingdom.

¿How to choose the best company for developing an iOS app?

Choosing the best company for iOS app development can depend on several important factors. Here are some tips you can follow to select the best company for your iOS app development:
1. Experience and skills: It is important to look for a company that has experience developing iOS apps and has strong skills in iOS technologies and programming languages such as Objective-C, programming in Swift, Xcode, etc.
2. References and Clients: Look for references and what kind of previous clients the development company has worked with to get a clear idea of what it's like to work with the company.
3. Culture and values: Choose a company that you feel comfortable working with and that shares the same values and vision.
4. Development process: Evaluate the company's development process and ensure it fits the specific needs and objectives of the project.
5. Support and maintenance: Select a company that offers ongoing support and maintenance after the app launches.
6. Budget: Consider the budget available for the development of your application and look for companies that can fit your budget with the greatest guarantees of quality and results.

Better to opt for a freelance iOS programmer or an iOS development company?

The choice between freelance iOS programmers or one iOS development company It depends on several factors; budget, application complexity, project scale and resource availability.
If you opt for a freelance iOS programmer, the project may be at higher risk of delays or interruptions if the programmer becomes ill or has other commitments. The app development companies They typically have a more robust structure and additional resources, which can help ensure that the project is delivered on time and on budget.

Develop a native iOS app or a cross-platform hybrid app?

The choice between a native iOS app and one hybrid and cross-platform application It depends on the needs and objectives of the project. If the application requires a high performance and deep integration with the iOS operating system, a native iOS app may be the best option. If the project has a shoestring budget or if you need an application that can run on multiple platforms, a hybrid and cross-platform application may be a better choice.

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